Sunday, April 18, 2021

Tales Of The Macabre

 In The Time of the Witches

Part 1


TL Hesse



My name is Louis and what I am about to relate is true.  I was there and I saw it all come to pass.  But first let me give you a history of the events preceding this happening.  I am the town grave digger in the small village of Hopkins Falls Massachusetts. This area was once plagued with witches, no one knew exactly why, the history is very vague, but there were so many it was almost a task to find a woman not a witch. But the most feared and powerful was Abigail who ruled over them all.  She caused many deaths and illnesses, poisoned wells and wilted crops in the fields and was simply evil beyond imagination. 

I don’t know how exactly, some say it was with the help of a white witch or a rival witch or just plain luck, but the good people of the village managed to trap her in a tomb right here in this very cemetery almost two hundred years ago.  A few years later, so they say, after it was apparent she was truly removed from Hopkins Falls, even after some unsuccessful nocturnal attempts to free her, the other witches eventually left the area, perhaps to find a new queen.

Everything was peaceful after that for so long, for almost two hundred years now, the witches were eventually forgotten about or turned into local urban legends to scare small children at night.  But one fateful night, about three years ago disaster struck our village in the form of a massive earthquake during the night. Many houses and buildings were destroyed and unfortunately some people died as well. As usual, I was drinking alone in the cemetery at the time and saw what happened before my very eyes.

As bad as that all was perhaps the worse was the tomb of Abigail was split open by the quake leaving a gaping hole across the middle.  I saw for myself with my own eyes that awful night when a hand, fingers twisted like a mandrake root or branches of a hawthorn tree, snaked its way out of the tomb followed by a form so hideous to the eye it defies description.  The wraith stood on top the ancient tomb and cackled in the stormy night, lightening flashing.  Suddenly she transformed and became the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, sexy and svelte, with piercing emerald eyes.  Then with the next lightening flash, she was gone, just disappeared into the night. 

Now I admit I’d been drinking that night, trying to stave off my constant insomnia, but I know what I saw was real.  And although everyone scoffed at my story when I told it the next day, no one could explain why the tomb was empty, just the fragments of what must have been a long rotted wooden coffin remained, but no bones, hair or teeth, not a scrap of cloth or metal, nothing.

Some claimed her body was probably stolen years ago for some kind of ritual or that the tomb was always empty, the story of the witch queen was all just a hoax, perhaps to lure tourists to this little town, which I will admit, doesn’t have much going for it to bring visitors to it.  But I know what I saw and no one can convince me otherwise.


Some months later most of the damage had been repaired, funerals long over, my busy time digging the graves at an end, things seemed to be back to normal in Hopkins Falls.  But one day the town was abuzz over the newcomer who had moved into an old house just outside the town.  No one could remember the last time someone actually moved into Hopkins Falls, in fact usually it was just the opposite; people were always moving out of the town.

I had heard she was young and very beautiful, but what stopped me in my tracks was that she had green emerald eyes, just like the wraith I saw climb out of the witches’ tomb those months before.  Although my heart was racing, I knew I had to see for myself this woman, if she was indeed the apparition from the tomb. 

I soon found myself on my bicycle wheeling towards the house at the edge of town.  I didn’t know what I was going to do when I arrived there, knock on the door or peak in the window or maybe just keep on biking down the road? But that was all decided for me when I reached the crest of the hill right before the house and saw her standing on the porch looking directly at me with those green eyes.

Unnerved, I almost dumped my bike but I regained enough composure to meekly nod my head at the lady dressed in black on the porch and continue on down the road.  Arms crossed, she maintained her stare as I passed her house without moving or acknowledging my nod.  My heart felt about to burst as I quickly plodded a route back that would not have me pass her way again.  I was sure it was she, the one from the tomb.  And it almost seemed that she had recognized me even though I thought I hadn’t been observed that night in the cemetery.

I felt a cold chill envelop my whole being.  Am I now in danger for what I had seen?  What could I do to protect myself from evil?  I had no idea what to do and I had no one to ask.  I knew I would just be laughed at or told I drink too much or spend too much time alone in the cemetery.  Both of which I do.

My insomnia throttled up after that trip on my bicycle, I almost never slept except for scattered cat naps during the day, but even those were quickly ended by any sudden noise or commotion.  But I took some small comfort in that so far I had not been visited by what I now believed was the ancient witch queen in disguise. 

Although drunk that night, I could still vividly remember what I saw after the transformation from beast to beauty. She had long legs, ones that started with slender shapely thighs below a plump rear that can only be described as an upside down heart.  Those thighs narrowed to sexy calves ending in thin ankles with small dainty feet.  The top side of that inverted heart shaped butt were curved hips and tiny waist gently rising up a subtle broadening back leading to a slender neck. Her jet black hair cascaded down her back in a long raven flow.  Her face was very beautiful, oval shaped with pouty full lips and liquid eyes of green. Her fingers were long and delicate, her voluptuous breasts full and inviting.  Exactly like the newcomer in the old house.

Many of the local men, both married and single, were enthralled by her beauty and daydreamed of a romantic encounter with her, but none were bold enough to approach her. It was said her name was Monica but no one knew her last name or any more about her. She was the mystery girl of many a man’s dream in Hopkins Falls and the subject of many a catty remark by the women.

Strangely she was never seen in town, even to buy supplies.  There was much speculation on how she fed herself.  Some thought she had a perhaps married lover that brought her necessities during his late night illicit encounters, one that may have even purchased the house for her.  Naturally this brought yet another round of rumors as to who that lover might be.

And that was another thing, she seemed to never need any repairs to her old house, no handyman or plumber was ever summoned. She quickly became the talk of the town, almost an obsession, especially for the jealous women who felt threatened by her beauty. And those birds, those grackles that flocked in her yard day and night.  Why was that happening?  They were disgusting birds, much like crows, black but with an iridescent purple blue sheen to their head and neck.

All in all, it was very strange and soon some of the talk turned to what I said I saw that night of the earthquake in the graveyard. Could she be Abigail returning to the town that imprisoned her hundreds of years ago?  Did she plan on revenge? All those who harmed her were also in the cemetery she came from, there was no one living that caused her suffering, so why would she take revenge on innocent people?  They played no part in what their ancestors did.

This churned and boiled for several weeks until finally it exploded like a pressure cooker left on the stove for too long. Some wanted to confront Monica, others wanted to hide and beg for mercy if she came for them.  Suddenly I, Louis the drunken gravedigger, became the authority on the subject.  People sought me out, even brought me bottles of rum, to ask me my opinion or to once again relate my tale of that dreadful night.

I must admit I somewhat enjoyed the attention and newfound respect, but the truth of the matter was I didn’t know any more about it than anyone else, other than what I had witnessed.  I could only say that if she was indeed Abigail now in a pretty wrapper as Monica, those who lusted after her would be repulsed if they saw the vile worm infested rotting meat I saw climb from the tomb that dwelled inside that lovely wrapper. I would laugh and wisely repeat the old adage my grandmother often said, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’.


The road in front of Monica’s house became well traveled.  Many were scouting her out, observing any activity so as to have a new piece of gossip to share. It was well reported that Monica had three black cats that never left her porch, as if guarding the house.  Black cats!  Aren’t they the thing of witches?  And she herself when rarely spotted was always dressed in black as well. 

Rumors flew, it was said she had a large cauldron in the back yard that was always brewing something with a never ending fire under it and there was always an old broom on the front porch. Wasn’t all this the things of witches? Lord help us, Abigail has returned to kill us all!

The more sensible tried to calm things down, these were just unfounded rumors, no one actually saw a cauldron, and a broom on a porch was just a broom, used for sweeping the porch and that is all.  Many people had cats, because she liked black ones meant nothing, it was just her preference.  Some people liked calico cats, did that mean something sinister?  This was the twenty first century, not the 1800’s, so get a grip on yourself and your wild imagination.

But still the madness prevailed and there was actually talk of gathering a mob and burning her house down.  It was at this point the sheriff stepped in and declared he would pay a visit to Monica as sort of a well fare check and to welcome her to the community.  Everyone needed to let him do his job and he would handle it and let them know what he found if they just remain calm.

The sheriff drove out to the old house. Before he left his car he noticed nothing unusual but as he approached the porch the cats stirred and the hair on their backs raised up. Cautiously he made his way onto the porch and knocked on the door.  The cats were now hissing at him which was starting to make him very uncomfortable.  He loosened the snap on his sidearm just in case the cats were rabid when Monica quickly opened the door.  “Afternoon madam.  I’m Sheriff Barnes and I’m seeing if you are doing ok here and to welcome you to our community.”  He was taken aback at the sight of her and darkish demeanor.

“But I must admit, Miss Monica is it, I’m curious as to why you chose Hopkins Falls to move to.  Seldom do we get a new citizen.  More people leave than move in, I’m afraid to say. You don’t have to answer that, I was just wondering. Sorry.”

She looked for a long moment at the sheriff who couldn’t help notice her exquisite beauty and the fact her eyes were the same bright green as those of her cats. Finally she let out an involuntary sigh, that staggered zigzagged sigh of the melancholy, a subtle stuttered practice death rattle from deep within the soul before she spoke in a sad but melodious voice.

“I have just suffered the loss of my entire family.  I moved here to be left alone until I can recover from my loss, where I have no friends or neighbors to interfere with my grief, my healing. Most people have good intentions, but in reality they cause more grief then they alleviate. I wish to be left alone at this point in my life and my real estate agent found this place for me.  Now if there is not anything else, I bid you good day” and closed the door.

With the cats still hissing at his heels, the sheriff retreated to his squad car and left the scene. He wanted to check the property but under the circumstances and the lady’s discomfort he felt he had no just cause to do so; especially without her permission, which he was sure would not be forthcoming.

He returned to town and gave a brief summary of his observations and concluded with “What we have here is a young woman deep in grief who simply wants to be left alone. She wears black because she’s in mourning. I say for you all to mind your own business and let her alone.  It’s none of your business who visits her property or what she does on it or how she gets her supplies or what pets she has. Now leave her alone and I don’t want to hear any more of this witch nonsense.  That all started with one of Louis’s delirium tremens episodes anyway during an unfortunate earthquake.”

This explanation satisfied some, others determined to step up their surveillance. I felt a bit insulted, although I do admit to an occasional hallucination after I’ve been drinking hard.  But I know what I saw that night. And I saw the witch climb out of her tomb and transform into Monica and disappear. And that’s a cold hard fact.  I just couldn’t prove it.



{End of part 1.  Part 2 upcoming soon.}




The Octopus

TL Hesse


The octopus has a very large brain and is one of the most intelligent creatures on this earth.  Scientists have put its food into screw lid jars and the octopus will figure out how to unscrew the lids to get the food. They learn by doing and by observing.

They are well known for escaping almost any confinement, always discovering the way out.  They have a bird like beak that can inflict a damaging bite but usually prefer to expel their ink as cover and rocket away with their natural jet propulsion rather than fight.

They can change their color and texture to blend or fit in to any environment new or old.

Each of the eight arms of the octopus can operate independent of the others but can also work in pairs depending on the situation. The octopus is the ultimate in multi -tasking, however difficult. Even if it loses an arm it continues on and eventually another will take its place.

Consider the octopus.  Intelligent, resourceful, a thinker, a problem solver.  Adaptable, innovative, peaceful but capable of defending itself.  A master of successfully multi -tasking in any circumstance no matter how adverse.

Are you, can you be like the octopus?  Remember this humble creature of the sea when you come upon hard times or think you can’t handle the task.

Like the octopus, you can overcome anything if you just try.



Saturday, April 17, 2021

Tales Of The Macabre

The Banshee


In that frightening night - Oh that dark hellish night

Distant sounds were heard ever closer- closer

An unearthly screeching shrill ever closer

It was she - The Banshee!

For whom did she cry? Angeline to die?

For she was not well but yet we could tell

Now’s not the time for the funeral knell

We plead to the phantom here not to dwell!

Please be gone! Do not linger! Stop that bell!

But all for naught - the banshee chose her lot


A bitter winters’ morn sunrise

As the wispy mists make their rise

I lost that morn my hearts queen 

My beloved Angeline

With the Banshee call how I lost it all

Through Deaths horrid locked door

She travels evermore

What can I do?

I have no tool to break it through

I feel a fool


Without fair gamble nor roll of dice

I lost my wife it cuts like a knife

My beloved is gone my heart left as ice

The cut cruelly clean I lost my Angeline

This cold winters morn my sorrow was born

A hopeful bird proudly sings but I only feel the sting

Of my lost Angeline

The scream of the wraith will leave me no trace

Of the beautiful music once ours now purged

And turned to a dirge.


A sudden cry - Beware!

It harkens of despair

If you hear the Banshee near

Hold your loved one close and dear

For when the Banshee wails

Be forewarned all hope fails

Heartbreak brews the troubled news

                                 The Banshee cries - someone dies

She comes for you she comes for me

We cannot change our destiny.




The Color White


I for one have had it up to my blue eyes bearing the brunt of all that is wrong with the world since the beginning of time due to the fact that I am a white man.  Apparently that makes me a racist. But I see the only group ever portrayed on television or movies or books as fools, buffoons, and easily tricked by their own stupidity as being white men.  White men can’t dance, they can’t jump, are pitiful athletics, are fat, lazy and on and on.  And they certainly can’t please their women in bed with their ineptitude and small organs as demonstrated time and again in film and jokes. By what measure isn’t this racist?

The current thinking is teaching methods, classic literary works, scientific discoveries, medicines, even mathematics, all are supposedly destructive things created by racist white people to repress everyone else.  Everything ever invented, built, or created by white people were all at the expense of the other races.  Even the United States was founded by racists, white ones, the only kind there is.

I always understood the majority rules, to the victors go the spoils of war, and birds of a feather flock together and so on.  So if a country is or was a certain ethnic majority I would expect it to be guided by the majority.  For example, China by the Chinese or India by Indians. So what’s the shocker that white people rule majority white countries such as Germany, France, England, and Switzerland? This makes them racist oppressors?   I think not.   

The list of white ruled countries of color is rapidly diminishing if not completely evaporated. Even a white majority country like the USA has had a minority president and currently a minority vice president. So where is the white racism in those facts?  Do you really think they were elected without white votes?


Even some countries that were once ruled by the minority are now ruled by the natives.  For one example, South Africa.  Unfortunately the racism there is now directed at whites, resulting in land confiscation without compensation and even rape and murder.

I don’t understand white people who hate themselves and their heritage.  Or corporations that force employees into anti “white privilege” training or tell them “try not to be so white in your thinking”. This is a form of brainwashing.  We are who we are, what we are.

Cultural appropriation is now taboo, so why should I try to borrow someone else’s thought processes and hate my own?  The only racism I see is against white people as demonstrated by these “re-education” programs, movies. Books, opinion pieces, and so on. 

Who dares to say the same things said about white people about blacks or Asians or Hispanics? Why then is it alright to say them about white people?  If you kick a dog long enough he will eventually bite your leg.  If you demean and ridicule a whole race eventually it will do the same in return.  This is how racism is born, destroying all the advances in race relations accomplished beforehand.  I thought the plan was to eliminate racism, not further it.  But apparently not.

White is defined as the absence of color, but we seem to be the only people seen by our color. I’m proud of my race and its accomplishments. What about you? If so, then when are you going to decide enough is enough and do something about it?  Hiding in the corner and taking it on the chin will change nothing. 

If you happen to be white stand up for yourself, your children, your parents, your grandparents, those who gave their lives for freedom, and all those white folks who bettered the human race and everyone’s lives no matter their particular race. 

I remember James Brown’s song “Say It Out Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud.”  It wasn’t considered racist, even the black power salute wasn’t labeled as such.  What about the Black Congressional Caucus, the Black Patrolman Association, even BET TV? Are they all racist by exclusion? What if the word “black” was replaced by “white” in those titles? Would that be deemed racist?   I think so. In reality, there is no shame in being proud of who you are.  Other races and creeds are, so why not you? 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

 Masks Are Dirty
TL Hesse

Why are we still wearing masks?  They are ineffective, in fact, proven to be unhealthy as the photo illustration demonstrates.  They cut down on your supply of oxygen, withhold carbon dioxide, and fester rashes and other afflictions as shown in the horrid photo.  Most Covid molecules slip right through the weave of the mask, which is why now they say to double or triple your mask. However, simple mathematics will tell you when you have three times nothing, you still have nothing.
What the masks real purpose is to condition you into blind obedience, a Simon Says situation, so you quickly learn to do whatever foolishness the state decides for you.  I have stated in other writings it also conditions you to dehumanize your fellow human beings.   
Our face is what makes us unique and distinguishes us as individuals rather than a flock of sparrows that one looks just like the next.  When you are no longer considered an individual you no longer have any social value and if you should be in peril by any means it won’t make much of an impact in a humanitarian or sympathetic way to others.
We have societies such as North Korea who mostly wear a chairman Mao type uniform and sport the same haircut as Red China also did back in the Chairman’s day. This makes people one and the same, no longer an individual but rather just a clog in the greater machine known as the state. It’s all part of the plan.
Some governors and senators are catching on and defying the great Dr. Doom, AKA Fauci, and restoring your freedom of choice.  As with the vaccine, you can wear a mask if you wish or take the shot, but you have no right to demand I do the same.  The vaccine isn’t reliable so why take it?   
The “experts” claim you will still need to wear all the mask and shield apparatus after your vaccinations and might need a booster shot once a year. Some say the vaccine is only effective for six months.  We’ve all heard stories of sudden death and illness soon after someone has gotten a shot.  The Chinese vaccine, Sinovac, is less than 50% effective at best. All the vaccines are questionable, so why are we being pushed to take them? Big pharma is the answer.  
Bill Gates has his hand in the pie along with other billionaires who are superior to you (just ask them).  He also is big on depopulation (by coincidence I’m sure). Otherwise we would be all taking HQ2 for 50 cents a day instead of long term plans for expensive vaccines that don’t really work.    
The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result.  Masks and lockdowns haven’t worked in over a year, so why are we still planning more for the future?

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

 In Our Revolutionary Times Past and Present

T.L. Hesse                                                                  April 14, 2021

An American Great Reset


In our own Revolutionary days there was what was called the Black Robe Brigade, clergymen who preached to their flock of the importance of resisting the British and who passed along information, all in the fight for founding our own country.  I am reminded of this when I hear of pastors and priests being harassed or fined and churches forced to remain either empty or near empty.  

Our brightest hope, although unfortunately for naught, was that a new Black Robe Brigade, also known as the Supreme Court, would do its job and stop this farce.  The evidence is massive and growing every day of the voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election and other malfeasances.  But most of the court kowtowed to the left, fearful for their own hides and not dedicated to the job they were sworn to do.  Ironically their reward will probably court packing.

The end goal appears to be to destroy all faith except in government, destroy the nuclear family and keep the people apart in bars, restaurants, and churches so they cannot communicate; and to wear masks to obscure your individuality, making you a faceless entity and less human and to become loyal to the state, not family. 

The media is collectively the left’s Leni Riefenstahl, cranking out propaganda with an audacity that would make Joseph Goebbels blush and determined to assure all information presented to the people must be only that from that propaganda press.  

We are keeping the children out of school rooms and away from the guidance of teachers, such as they may be.  Instead we use ineffective home schooling of various sorts such as online or written modules, all dehumanizing. Why would that be, as Covid is not a real imminent threat to them, so is there another motive?

As the result or perhaps to the plan, the children are being deprived of one on one learning, forming social skills, verbal interactions and how to work together as a group or team.  They languish at home playing video games that often minimize the suffering and death of others, once again, dehumanizing. 

We are social animals which is why solitary confinement is considered a harsh punishment in prisons, but yet we are inflicting it on our innocent young during their formative years.  Why?

Perhaps the thinking is they’ll be easier to control the dumber and more robotic they are, much like the uneducated and compliant, although not of their own fault but rather that of corrupt and inept governments, people that are sneaking across our southern border into the welcoming arms of the ruling class I call the Imperial Elites. 

One party rule and elites, propaganda press, dependency on government handouts and medical treatment, sounds very familiar, very similar to China doesn’t it? 

I believe there is common sense solutions to this madness and are not impossible to accomplish with determination and courage.  We need to take a page from Mahatma Gandhi and MLK’s playbook and go perhaps a step further and peacefully protest en masse by the thousands.  An American Great Reset is needed.

Refuse the mask mandates, gather together as friends and family in church and celebrations, and begin to swarm the streets daily in protest. We simply need to ignore all un-American dictates and foolish commands in peaceful protest and in constant fashion.  They can’t arrest us all.  I have been told this won’t work, it was tried in Venezuela and failed but I say it worked for Gandhi and Dr. King, why not for us too.

Encourage others to join the New Revolution and have their voices finally be heard.  See Fauci as what he is, an old fraud who needs to be ignored; understand that Biden/Harris are fraudulent office holders who have no sway over us.  

This is called nullification, the same tactic now being used by the left in the form of sanctuary cities, refusal to comply with ICE, and other numerous violations by various scofflaws. The policy of open borders is one example on a federal scale. Form and promote our own Resistance, a real one. The left’s tactics are quite effective, it’s time we adapt some of them for our own use.  

The brainwashing must stop and so must our sheepish rolling over to what is happening to the country. Colleges and universities on the take from foreign governments need to be shunned, school systems teaching un-American courses must be purged of leftist teachers and leadership. 

The 1619 project must be scrapped, and President Trump’s 1776 project reintroduced. Citizenship, civics, patriotism need to be taught again. American values are paramount to our survival.  Challenge your representatives to uphold the constitution or primary them out or even recall them.  Demand action.

Pride in country and oneself are priorities, and there is no shame in being who you are, no matter what the color, including white. Family ties, religion, and all the things that made America great need to be revived, and the dark scourge of socialism scrubbed away. We must have the rule of law for everyone without exception. Law and order is not a disgusting term as it has been made to seem. A lawless society cannot flourish, for example, Somalia or Libya or any of a number of such countries.

We need to be self-sufficient, not beholden to anyone or anything for our vital supplies of energy, medication, minerals, and food. Our borders must be controlled. We must take care of our own, our veterans, our homeless, and those addicted before we add more un-vetted people who just dilute our resources and add to illegal vote counts.

We fought and won against fascism, socialism, communism, imperialism, and now we have a very potent danger from within.  Abraham Lincoln famously stated “A house divided cannot stand.”  That’s as true now as when he said it in times just as dangerous as present day.  We are being nudged under the umbrella of China, our middle class whittled away. Our education system an exercise in brainwashing and self-hatred, our freedoms lost.  It’s a narrow crumbling path we now tread, one leading away from our glorious past towards the slippery slope of socialism and dirigisme.  Stand up and be counted as a true American.

Welcome to my blog.

 I plan to post some of my short stories and portions of my books in the near future, along with my essays of what's wrong with the world in my opinion   Stay tuned!


Tales Of The Macabre

  4 Months went by and without no inexplicable or frightening occurrences happening, the witch stories slowly dissipated. That is, until t...