Friday, May 7, 2021

My American Thinker Post #3


April 15, 2021

China's finger-trap plan and what we should do

By T.L. Hesse

A centuries-old puzzle, sometimes used as a practical joke, is the Chinese finger trap.  It’s a simple woven bamboo tube into which an unsuspecting victim puts both index fingers but then cannot release themselves from the tight bondage of the tube, no matter how hard he pulls.

This brings to mind the "one belt, one road" project advanced by China all over the world, especially in Africa, South America, and the poorer parts of Asia. 

A poor country, grateful for Chinese aid, readily accepts the offer of a road or bridge.  After completion, China asks for payment as per the vague agreed upon terms that were presented more in terms of goodwill and helpfulness than tit for tat.

Now the debtor country may have a new road or bridge, but new money did not come with it.

China demands payment of some sort, and the poor country, still bankrupt, often pays with a naval base or a port, perhaps an airport, or key factory, or mine — whatever is advantageous to the Chinese.  Threatened and intimidated, the poor country reluctantly agrees and loses an important asset.  The Chinese dragon sinks its fangs and talons into the hapless country in prelude of swallowing it whole, gaining yet another foothold in a different hemisphere or region, sometimes ours.  Perhaps "stranglehold" is a more accurate term.  Surprisingly, the conundrum is that many such countries haven’t learned that there is no such thing as a free lunch.  China has no compunction about lying to achieve their objectives.

Not long ago, Kenya lost an important commercial port to this scheme.  A few years ago, Ecuador lost control of nearly all its oil.  Laos, Burma, Cambodia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Montenegro — they all fell into the trap.  Luckily, a few countries are wising up and are working to contain China.  Japan, Australia, and India were never in hock to China, but they are in this group.

The U.S., not so much.

A different form of this Chinese finger-trap trick is used on greedy politicians, individuals, corporations, and even supposedly benevolent organizations such as the National Basketball Association and World Health Organization. 

Nike and Apple look the other way as their products are being manufactured by slave labor while genocide is taking place. The NBA sees a vast new audience. Quickly they find there is no simple way out of this financial quagmire even if they wanted out.

And there certainly is no shortage of American politicians and many diverse corporations on the take. 

China had surmised in recent years that a nuclear war, or even a conventional one, with the U.S. would be impossible to win (although with its aggressive military buildup, there seems to have been some rethinking), so in this logic, the way to conquer the U.S. was to basically purchase it.

The one brave man, President Trump, wise to the Chinese's plan and willing to stand up to them, had to be removed even if it took a pandemic and eminent world depression to accomplish, in tandem with questionable election results achieved, no doubt, with Chinese help, to top it all off.

China has seeded our educational system with its communist ideology, has spread heavy doses of propaganda via social media and Hollywood, and may have bought off politicians, judges, and their families, et al. 

And they have been quite successful at it, as demonstrated by our current government.

The world is both bewildered and amused by what is happening in the United States while most of us are simply sickened.

We have a different but very effective form of the "one belt, one road" project, one perhaps even more lethal, as it is based on human greed, being applied.  Our country is moving toward socialism and communism every day.  We have elected officials openly hostile to our system and way of life, disdaining our history, sullying our traditions and heroes, and ignoring settled law.

Our capital is surrounded by fencing and troops, a slap in the face to all that is American.  China presents "one belt, one road" as a return to prosperity for all countries involved, just like the good old days of the Silk Road.  But in reality, it is only for China’s benefit, as always these things are.

So what is the secret of the Chinese Finger Trap?  How does one find a release from its bondage?  You must push the ends toward the middle where the woven construct is freer in size, large enough to escape its grasp.  To try to run from it by yanking your fingers in opposite directions will not undo the trick, but only tighten its grip.

We must all gather toward the middle as one force and push the ends together to escape what's going on here, which includes China’s grasp. 

That means all those on China’s payroll must exit from office or position.  Products made by slave labor must remain unpurchased.  Propaganda films must stay unwatched.  Career politicians need to become extinct.  The brainwashing must stop.  Colleges and universities on the take need to be shunned, school systems teaching un-American courses must be purged of leftist teachers and leadership.  The 1619 Project must be scrapped and President Trump’s 1776 project introduced.  Citizenship, civics, patriotism need to be taught again.  American values are paramount to our survival.  We must push toward the middle.

Pride in country and oneself are priorities, and there is no shame in being who you are, no matter what your color, including white.  Family ties, religion, and all the things that made America great need to be revived and the dark scourge of socialism scrubbed away.  We must have the rule of law for everyone without exception.  Law and order is not a disgusting term, as it has been made to seem.  A lawless society cannot flourish, any more than Somalia, Libya, or any of a number of such countries can.

We need to be self-sufficient, not beholden to anyone or anything for our vital supplies of energy, medication, minerals, and food.  Our borders must be controlled.  We must take care of our own, our veterans, our homeless and those addicted, before we add more un-vetted people who just dilute our resources and add to illegal vote counts.

And most of all, we must be careful, very careful, before we allow ourselves or anyone who speaks for us, to ever again insert our collective fingers into a trap.

Image: Carol via Wikimedia CommonsCC BY 2.5CC BY 4.0.

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My American Thinker Post #2


March 21, 2021

The Great Pretender

By T.L. Hesse

Who’s really running the show? Just imagine the following scenario: President Joe spends an evening – actually, more like an afternoon -- watching old classic films, one of which, perhaps, is a Cold War-era action movie about a Russian invasion. When not dozing off he thoroughly enjoys the film. He has his early-bird supper and shuffles off to bed. Later that night, about 3:00 am, Joe wakes up and locks himself in the bathroom with the nuclear football.

Jill suddenly wakes up and tries to check on Joe, but the bathroom door is locked. While she calls his name and tries to get him to open the door, Joe is busy typing in the nuclear codes he has scrawled on the palm of his hand. In his confusion, he blends reality with fiction and believes the movie was real life.

By the time Jill gets a Secret Service agent to help break down the door, old Joe has already started the launch sequences to annihilate Russia, and North Korea for good measure. Once entered, these codes can’t be canceled. Russia and North Korea are alerted to the strike and launch retaliatory nuclear missiles. World War Three has started or perhaps the end of the world as we know it.

Don’t think this could happen? Some Democrats are not so sure. Why else do they want to wrestle these codes away from this senile old man? They didn’t even try this with their nemesis, President Trump, but they’re doing it for their own man. They know the reality of his condition. He’s a danger to everyone, even the world. Shame on all those who put him in this position, including wife Jill and former boss Obama.

These two of all people should have known Joe was not capable of fulfilling the duties of this office. But their greed and lust for power and, in Jill’s case, status, drove them to ignore that obvious and nuclear disaster could be the result or any number of other terrible things damaging to the world or country.

All evidence points to Obama pulling the strings behind the curtain. In a circumstance such as the one played out above, though, even Obama can’t predict what a man in mental decline might do. It’s apparent that Joe won’t be in office much longer judging by his recent gaffs and infrequent appearances, but it only takes one time for something like this to happen. Is tomorrow that day?

I believe the idea to take the codes from Joe and give them to a committee will also benefit control over his successor, Harris. Obama and his time don’t trust her with the codes, and they won’t trust any who follow her either. However, one knows a committee rarely agrees on anything so, by the time the codes would actually be entered, it probably would be too late for response or surprise.

The more likely setting would be for Obama to have the football again, even if the Democrat operatives put out smoke and mirrors about a team making the decision to launch. Because in truth, what we actually have is a behind-the-scenes dictatorship and that dictator is Barrack Hussein Obama. Joe is just a cover, using his phony affable charm and well-practiced wide smile to gain office for the sham by hook or crook and slip Obama’s real choice of Harris through the back door.

I’m reminded of a children’s fable “The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Andersen, written in 1837. In it, all the vain Emperor’s supporters admire his alleged new clothing while the rest of the populace (like certain female Secret Service agents poolside) see only a naked old man. In truth, his supporters see the same but they are pretending otherwise. For the moment, anyway.

Joe is what is called in the business world a hatchet man, someone who is brought in to do unpopular things, change procedures, fire people, cut salaries and, when his task is done, he is usually fired himself. Joe’s good at it because this nasty-by-nature man has no empathy for the thousands he puts out of work.

Soon Joe’s time will be up, the Executive Orders all filed, and the leftist congressional crap signed on the dotted line. He'll then be moved out to pasture. He may not even be aware it happened and might believe he’s still the man.

The only opposition to his removal will be from Jill and the rest of the Biden family that is used to the money train Joe engineered over the years. They know, as Hillary Clinton has discovered, that once the power and influence are gone, so is the money tree.

So, when Joe is removed and Harris is elevated, who will be the vice president? Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, Michelle Obama? How about Adam Schiff or Gretchen Whitmer, maybe Newsom? Is your stomach churning yet? What if they reach across the aisle “in the spirit of unity” and get a “Republican” like Romney or Collins? How about Kasich? Does that make you feel better?

It’s quite frightening how much damage has been done in just a few months. What horrors await us in the next few years? We are flooded with people across the southern border, bringing all manner of problems with them, the least of which is COVID, all at this old man’s invitation. They even get a Tee Shirt.

We are now the second-class citizens who are not supposed to exist in our country, with no hope, only devastating change on the horizon. We remain for the most part under lockdown, unemployed, without insurance or welfare. Is this what the Obama/Biden campaign slogan of “hope and change” really meant?

However, the new people (read: population) are greeted with everything under the sun, even a free ticket to wherever they care to go, much to the chagrin of the Greyhound Bus Lines CEO. No COVID passport needed (not even a test); no ID needed to vote or seek medical treatment; food and lodging and, of course, money are provided, all on the taxpayer’s dime.

What a paradise, the USA! Who wouldn’t come to such a place? The land of the freebie? It’s similar to what happened centuries ago, when marauders would reach a distant shore and the locals thought they were gods of some sort, usually to their ultimate demise.

Another slice of the American pie gobbled up is when a business hires a replacement (usually a foreigner on an HB visa working for less money) for your job and you are instructed to train him before you are let go. And make no mistake about it, you are being let go. Our country and our population are being replaced through this leftist osmosis right before our very eyes. But don’t worry: Joe is Building Back Better.

IMAGE: Joe Biden. YouTube screengrab.

My American Post


Parallels of the pendulum and the pit

By T.L. Hesse

Edgar Allen Poe's classic 1842 short story, "The Pit and the Pendulum," is about a victim of the Spanish Inquisition who is imprisoned in a black dungeon with a deep pit in the middle.  It's so dark and foreboding that he must feel his way around, but he can hear the grinding of stone against stone and the swish of a large blade swinging above him.

He realizes the walls are slowly closing in, and the large, sharp pendulum that swings above is lowering in tandem with the ever-constricting walls, making his space even smaller, pushing him slowly to the edge of the pit and his demise.

His choice is to be sliced by the blade overhead or fall into the pit filled with ravenous rats.

Just as there is almost no footing left to avoid the pit, a savior named General LaSalle of the liberating army grabs his arm as he begins to fall and saves him from certain death.

Our present political situation could be represented by this story with the left as the inquisitors tightening the walls around an imprisoned America along with a relentless blade swinging over her head, cutting our laws, traditions, and history.

Our laws and rights are being ignored or cast aside.  Executive orders are the new law, a rule by edicts with no need to go through Congress, which is fenced in like a concentration camp. 

Conservatives and supporters of President Trump are being blacklisted and accused of all sorts of misdeeds while the left does as it pleases with impunity.

Certain races are considered good, while others are the source of all evil, inherently racist. 

Our children are being indoctrinated to hate their country and people and to be ashamed of our great history due to the distortions being taught.

Our citizenship is being made a mockery of as even the right to vote for our own leaders is being diluted by non-citizens, with citizenship set to be handed out cheaply and the gates open for even non-citizens to vote in our elections illegally.

It seems widespread voting fraud and cheating are considered permissible as long as they benefit the chosen party.

There's no need for legal immigration; everyone is invited to come on in, even if he is carrying COVID to spread or is otherwise infected.  It all seems to be a move to replace the current despised population.

These disparate people are uneducated and therefore easily manipulated.  Some are used to being told what to do, while others bring in a sense of entitlement.  Therefore, they are excellent choices for the new American population.

As the walls squeeze in, our rights as a free and independent country are being diminished toward a one-world government cartel, even to the point of severely harming our own interests in the process. 

How did this all happen?

We did it to ourselves in some cases by complacency and laziness — by not vetting the politicians that run for office, nor holding them accountable once they get elected. 

By never questioning how these elected officials go from almost broke to multimillionaires once in office.  By believing everything we hear on the nightly news, no matter how slanted, distorted, or untrue it may be.  By wanting all the free stuff being promised instead of having to work for it.  By not bothering to vote in person, by leaving the election system vulnerable to fraud by voter identity theft.

How did the school curriculum get so out of tune with the truth and history?  We the people complacently let it happen.  We the people are the ones who tied the hands of America and left her in the dark, dank dungeon of socialism and dirigisme at the merciless hands of the leftist inquisition by our meek acquiescence.

Who is our General LaSalle?  When will he come to rescue us?  Who will save America from the pit or the blade's lethal swath?  My hope is that it is Lady Liberty reaching her righteous hand to pull America from her demise.  It's you and me, all of us who believe in America, the United States, and all it represents.  We are liberty.  We have to unite and link hands together to pull ourselves out of this morass.

If we need a convention of states, then let's plan one.  If we need to recall corrupt politicians, then let's get started.   And we certainly do not need to re-elect backstabbing representatives who promise one thing but do another.  We should force the removal of those party leaders who do not follow our desires.  Yes, I mean you, Mitch, Liz, Eric, Nancy, and Mitt, among others, many others who must go.

It's time for term limits, voter ID, and government that works for the people.  We must ensure that America stands forever in the form the Founders created.  We are facing the enemy within that we have long been warned of that is being aided and abetted by our foreign adversaries.  They all long to carve up America and glut themselves at the feast.  It's up to us to prevent this from ever happening.  We will soon have yet another president in a person that no one wanted and a new vice president (that none voted for) once the current "president" is no longer useful to the left cartel.  Don't expect this change at the top to be an improvement.  It won't be.

If your governor is tyrannical and working against your interests, then recall him.  The same with mayors, state senators, and/or rogue attorneys general and any other scofflaws.  Don't wait for the next election cycle.  It will probably be too late by then. 

We must start to act and do it now before it is too late.  America is steadily being nudged toward that precipice.  The poison now in our veins is quite quick-acting.  It won't take as long to kill the country as it did to conceive it.  Don't ask if there's a doctor in the house; rather, be that doctor, be that General LaSalle, that hand of liberty.  Save America from the perils of the pit and the pendulum.  Start today.



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