Saturday, April 17, 2021



The Color White


I for one have had it up to my blue eyes bearing the brunt of all that is wrong with the world since the beginning of time due to the fact that I am a white man.  Apparently that makes me a racist. But I see the only group ever portrayed on television or movies or books as fools, buffoons, and easily tricked by their own stupidity as being white men.  White men can’t dance, they can’t jump, are pitiful athletics, are fat, lazy and on and on.  And they certainly can’t please their women in bed with their ineptitude and small organs as demonstrated time and again in film and jokes. By what measure isn’t this racist?

The current thinking is teaching methods, classic literary works, scientific discoveries, medicines, even mathematics, all are supposedly destructive things created by racist white people to repress everyone else.  Everything ever invented, built, or created by white people were all at the expense of the other races.  Even the United States was founded by racists, white ones, the only kind there is.

I always understood the majority rules, to the victors go the spoils of war, and birds of a feather flock together and so on.  So if a country is or was a certain ethnic majority I would expect it to be guided by the majority.  For example, China by the Chinese or India by Indians. So what’s the shocker that white people rule majority white countries such as Germany, France, England, and Switzerland? This makes them racist oppressors?   I think not.   

The list of white ruled countries of color is rapidly diminishing if not completely evaporated. Even a white majority country like the USA has had a minority president and currently a minority vice president. So where is the white racism in those facts?  Do you really think they were elected without white votes?


Even some countries that were once ruled by the minority are now ruled by the natives.  For one example, South Africa.  Unfortunately the racism there is now directed at whites, resulting in land confiscation without compensation and even rape and murder.

I don’t understand white people who hate themselves and their heritage.  Or corporations that force employees into anti “white privilege” training or tell them “try not to be so white in your thinking”. This is a form of brainwashing.  We are who we are, what we are.

Cultural appropriation is now taboo, so why should I try to borrow someone else’s thought processes and hate my own?  The only racism I see is against white people as demonstrated by these “re-education” programs, movies. Books, opinion pieces, and so on. 

Who dares to say the same things said about white people about blacks or Asians or Hispanics? Why then is it alright to say them about white people?  If you kick a dog long enough he will eventually bite your leg.  If you demean and ridicule a whole race eventually it will do the same in return.  This is how racism is born, destroying all the advances in race relations accomplished beforehand.  I thought the plan was to eliminate racism, not further it.  But apparently not.

White is defined as the absence of color, but we seem to be the only people seen by our color. I’m proud of my race and its accomplishments. What about you? If so, then when are you going to decide enough is enough and do something about it?  Hiding in the corner and taking it on the chin will change nothing. 

If you happen to be white stand up for yourself, your children, your parents, your grandparents, those who gave their lives for freedom, and all those white folks who bettered the human race and everyone’s lives no matter their particular race. 

I remember James Brown’s song “Say It Out Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud.”  It wasn’t considered racist, even the black power salute wasn’t labeled as such.  What about the Black Congressional Caucus, the Black Patrolman Association, even BET TV? Are they all racist by exclusion? What if the word “black” was replaced by “white” in those titles? Would that be deemed racist?   I think so. In reality, there is no shame in being proud of who you are.  Other races and creeds are, so why not you? 

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