Thursday, April 15, 2021

 Masks Are Dirty
TL Hesse

Why are we still wearing masks?  They are ineffective, in fact, proven to be unhealthy as the photo illustration demonstrates.  They cut down on your supply of oxygen, withhold carbon dioxide, and fester rashes and other afflictions as shown in the horrid photo.  Most Covid molecules slip right through the weave of the mask, which is why now they say to double or triple your mask. However, simple mathematics will tell you when you have three times nothing, you still have nothing.
What the masks real purpose is to condition you into blind obedience, a Simon Says situation, so you quickly learn to do whatever foolishness the state decides for you.  I have stated in other writings it also conditions you to dehumanize your fellow human beings.   
Our face is what makes us unique and distinguishes us as individuals rather than a flock of sparrows that one looks just like the next.  When you are no longer considered an individual you no longer have any social value and if you should be in peril by any means it won’t make much of an impact in a humanitarian or sympathetic way to others.
We have societies such as North Korea who mostly wear a chairman Mao type uniform and sport the same haircut as Red China also did back in the Chairman’s day. This makes people one and the same, no longer an individual but rather just a clog in the greater machine known as the state. It’s all part of the plan.
Some governors and senators are catching on and defying the great Dr. Doom, AKA Fauci, and restoring your freedom of choice.  As with the vaccine, you can wear a mask if you wish or take the shot, but you have no right to demand I do the same.  The vaccine isn’t reliable so why take it?   
The “experts” claim you will still need to wear all the mask and shield apparatus after your vaccinations and might need a booster shot once a year. Some say the vaccine is only effective for six months.  We’ve all heard stories of sudden death and illness soon after someone has gotten a shot.  The Chinese vaccine, Sinovac, is less than 50% effective at best. All the vaccines are questionable, so why are we being pushed to take them? Big pharma is the answer.  
Bill Gates has his hand in the pie along with other billionaires who are superior to you (just ask them).  He also is big on depopulation (by coincidence I’m sure). Otherwise we would be all taking HQ2 for 50 cents a day instead of long term plans for expensive vaccines that don’t really work.    
The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result.  Masks and lockdowns haven’t worked in over a year, so why are we still planning more for the future?

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