Wednesday, April 14, 2021

 In Our Revolutionary Times Past and Present

T.L. Hesse                                                                  April 14, 2021

An American Great Reset


In our own Revolutionary days there was what was called the Black Robe Brigade, clergymen who preached to their flock of the importance of resisting the British and who passed along information, all in the fight for founding our own country.  I am reminded of this when I hear of pastors and priests being harassed or fined and churches forced to remain either empty or near empty.  

Our brightest hope, although unfortunately for naught, was that a new Black Robe Brigade, also known as the Supreme Court, would do its job and stop this farce.  The evidence is massive and growing every day of the voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election and other malfeasances.  But most of the court kowtowed to the left, fearful for their own hides and not dedicated to the job they were sworn to do.  Ironically their reward will probably court packing.

The end goal appears to be to destroy all faith except in government, destroy the nuclear family and keep the people apart in bars, restaurants, and churches so they cannot communicate; and to wear masks to obscure your individuality, making you a faceless entity and less human and to become loyal to the state, not family. 

The media is collectively the left’s Leni Riefenstahl, cranking out propaganda with an audacity that would make Joseph Goebbels blush and determined to assure all information presented to the people must be only that from that propaganda press.  

We are keeping the children out of school rooms and away from the guidance of teachers, such as they may be.  Instead we use ineffective home schooling of various sorts such as online or written modules, all dehumanizing. Why would that be, as Covid is not a real imminent threat to them, so is there another motive?

As the result or perhaps to the plan, the children are being deprived of one on one learning, forming social skills, verbal interactions and how to work together as a group or team.  They languish at home playing video games that often minimize the suffering and death of others, once again, dehumanizing. 

We are social animals which is why solitary confinement is considered a harsh punishment in prisons, but yet we are inflicting it on our innocent young during their formative years.  Why?

Perhaps the thinking is they’ll be easier to control the dumber and more robotic they are, much like the uneducated and compliant, although not of their own fault but rather that of corrupt and inept governments, people that are sneaking across our southern border into the welcoming arms of the ruling class I call the Imperial Elites. 

One party rule and elites, propaganda press, dependency on government handouts and medical treatment, sounds very familiar, very similar to China doesn’t it? 

I believe there is common sense solutions to this madness and are not impossible to accomplish with determination and courage.  We need to take a page from Mahatma Gandhi and MLK’s playbook and go perhaps a step further and peacefully protest en masse by the thousands.  An American Great Reset is needed.

Refuse the mask mandates, gather together as friends and family in church and celebrations, and begin to swarm the streets daily in protest. We simply need to ignore all un-American dictates and foolish commands in peaceful protest and in constant fashion.  They can’t arrest us all.  I have been told this won’t work, it was tried in Venezuela and failed but I say it worked for Gandhi and Dr. King, why not for us too.

Encourage others to join the New Revolution and have their voices finally be heard.  See Fauci as what he is, an old fraud who needs to be ignored; understand that Biden/Harris are fraudulent office holders who have no sway over us.  

This is called nullification, the same tactic now being used by the left in the form of sanctuary cities, refusal to comply with ICE, and other numerous violations by various scofflaws. The policy of open borders is one example on a federal scale. Form and promote our own Resistance, a real one. The left’s tactics are quite effective, it’s time we adapt some of them for our own use.  

The brainwashing must stop and so must our sheepish rolling over to what is happening to the country. Colleges and universities on the take from foreign governments need to be shunned, school systems teaching un-American courses must be purged of leftist teachers and leadership. 

The 1619 project must be scrapped, and President Trump’s 1776 project reintroduced. Citizenship, civics, patriotism need to be taught again. American values are paramount to our survival.  Challenge your representatives to uphold the constitution or primary them out or even recall them.  Demand action.

Pride in country and oneself are priorities, and there is no shame in being who you are, no matter what the color, including white. Family ties, religion, and all the things that made America great need to be revived, and the dark scourge of socialism scrubbed away. We must have the rule of law for everyone without exception. Law and order is not a disgusting term as it has been made to seem. A lawless society cannot flourish, for example, Somalia or Libya or any of a number of such countries.

We need to be self-sufficient, not beholden to anyone or anything for our vital supplies of energy, medication, minerals, and food. Our borders must be controlled. We must take care of our own, our veterans, our homeless, and those addicted before we add more un-vetted people who just dilute our resources and add to illegal vote counts.

We fought and won against fascism, socialism, communism, imperialism, and now we have a very potent danger from within.  Abraham Lincoln famously stated “A house divided cannot stand.”  That’s as true now as when he said it in times just as dangerous as present day.  We are being nudged under the umbrella of China, our middle class whittled away. Our education system an exercise in brainwashing and self-hatred, our freedoms lost.  It’s a narrow crumbling path we now tread, one leading away from our glorious past towards the slippery slope of socialism and dirigisme.  Stand up and be counted as a true American.

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