Sunday, April 18, 2021



The Octopus

TL Hesse


The octopus has a very large brain and is one of the most intelligent creatures on this earth.  Scientists have put its food into screw lid jars and the octopus will figure out how to unscrew the lids to get the food. They learn by doing and by observing.

They are well known for escaping almost any confinement, always discovering the way out.  They have a bird like beak that can inflict a damaging bite but usually prefer to expel their ink as cover and rocket away with their natural jet propulsion rather than fight.

They can change their color and texture to blend or fit in to any environment new or old.

Each of the eight arms of the octopus can operate independent of the others but can also work in pairs depending on the situation. The octopus is the ultimate in multi -tasking, however difficult. Even if it loses an arm it continues on and eventually another will take its place.

Consider the octopus.  Intelligent, resourceful, a thinker, a problem solver.  Adaptable, innovative, peaceful but capable of defending itself.  A master of successfully multi -tasking in any circumstance no matter how adverse.

Are you, can you be like the octopus?  Remember this humble creature of the sea when you come upon hard times or think you can’t handle the task.

Like the octopus, you can overcome anything if you just try.



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